
Thank you for your interest in joining the Black Tie Dining Club.

We aim to provide our members with access to high quality events locally and around the world. As a friendly club, we aren't exclusive and everyone is welcome so long as they are keen and willing to dress up, and be friendly.

Even though we aren't exclusive and everyone is welcome, the same can't be said of the events we promote. Only high quality events, that are (or should be!) well organised get listed here. Our aim is to ensure a smart, safe place for like-minded to meet and socialise.  

Full Membership is open to adults (aged 18 or over) of any diversity background. There is no need to be any type of person, from any particular background or upbringing.

You just need to want to pop on a DJ, or appropriate dress and have some fun socialising with people wanting a similar thing.

We'll just mention at this point - whilst we expect everyone to let their hair down, and have a good time, if we get complaints about bad behaviour then we do have the option to be able to cancel membership. It's not something we expect to happen regularly but at our discretion we can do this.


In addition to the benefits of Black Tie events, we will make sure that the price of membership will always be less than the value of savings a typical member can get every year. 

At the moment we are working on building our membership app, and with that you'll be able to get discounts on the following:

- Coffee (so important!)

- Travel & Hotels

- Online Training & Courses

- Insurance

- Technology

- Health & Beauty

- Cinema & Restaurants

When we introduce these then we will be migrating to a paid-for membership model, but until then, enjoy us for free!

Join Now for Free